Wednesday, October 03, 2007
And the Virus Attacks!!

The IT wave has indeed swept the nation. Words and their meanings change from zone to zone, time to time, and generation to generation. If you are anywhere close to my generation, then you would have seen the title and expected an article on how my computer seized up because of some nasty internet virus. But you would have been wrong on two counts.

1. My comp does NOT need help from any virus to seize up, thank you… On all matters of hanging up, crashing, acting weirdly, deleting random files, and making unseemly noises, it is fairly self reliant. In fact, it would take offence if a virus offered assistance. “Oh, what? You think I can’t freeze up on my own??? Up yours, you 10011001010010010101!!!!!” (What? You can come up with a better binary swear word?)

2. I am talking about viri in a more biological sense… Leave computers out of this for a while. Ok?

It all started one bright Friday morning (the mornings ARE bright these days, aren’t they?) when my colleague remarked that I was hot. I was about to say “Why, thank you”, when she made it abundantly clear that she was talking strictly in the literal sense. It took about a few minutes before I actually started feeling the effects of the fever. (continue reading)

posted by Hammy at 5:33 AM | Permalink |