Tuesday, November 27, 2007
In constant peril...
The bush was thick and dense. And he was hidden well behind it. "No. They're not gonna find me here", he said to himself, half believing what he said... He breathed a sigh of relief and took a rare moment of rest. It was risky, but he chanced it; he dropped his guard. It felt like old times.Oh, how he missed the old carefree days, never having to worry about them dropping on him. No. No more of that shall he have. He was now the hunted; the prey. He had seen the hunts before. Friends... family... all who had fallen long ago... and yet, like a fool, he believed his own time was far far away... a mirage so far off that...

Wait! What was that??

Someone calling his name. Another trap. No. It can't end now. It was time to move. Quickly. Quietly. He would evade them yet.


Man goes through several stages in life, from doodying a diaper to flunking chemistry to half drowning in beer in an office night, he goes through a variety of transitions.

(continue reading)
posted by Hammy at 7:52 PM | Permalink |


  • At 8:13 PM, Blogger Arun Jose Francis

    Man... that was hilarious, more so because I can completely understand where exactly you are in... :-)

  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger silverine

    Thank god the 'silverine hunting season' has not begun. Though the 'hint dropping season' is an open season! Best of luck buddy. Run for your(bachelor) life!! Best of luck!