People come to me incessantly, asking about my purpose in life… And if you think it is OK for people to come to you incessantly for something, you obviously have never had people come to you incessantly. And when they start grilling you on the purpose of your life, their primal motive is to make you feel about as useful as a chewed wad of bubble gum. More often than not, they put these queries in more colorful tones, such as;
“Hamish, what IS your purpose in life, besides wasting oxygen that I could have used?”
“Hamish, are you planning your life properly, or are you going to drift through it like an F1 racecar without a steering wheel?”
“Is there a goal you’ve set for yourself, Hamish, or do you feel watching movies while spewing half chewed popcorn out the side of the mouth is good enough for you?”
Hearing all these tactful, sensitive, and thought-provoking voices of (continue reading)
lol(laughing out loud)!! :-) hammy, why wait till 2015 to dominate the world..oh ok i understand, "humility" prevents u from saying any before 2015:-) whatsoever this blog is amazing and I hereby declare myself as one of ur biggest fans..Hammy Blogging..oops! Happy Blogging! :-)