Tuesday, December 04, 2007
To baldly go where lots of men have gone before
I have my hair alright. I suppose I could delude myself that it's always gonna be there, but only under the influence of REALLY powerful hallucinogens like LSD, mescaline, or Keith Richards. The truth, however, is in plain sight. I'm losing hair like ballot papers from Florida.

Historically, hair loss has been a bad omen. Napoleon started noticing how his hair was starting to recede when he was in Waterloo, got distracted from his brilliant campaign, and... we all know what happened after that. Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear to stop people from noticing his bald spot. It worked too. We don't remember him as the bald painter from the Renaissance, do we? And it's not entirely because he was NOT from the Renaissance.

Sure, there is little or no truth in the last paragraph I wrote, but hair loss is still (continue reading)
posted by Hammy at 11:13 PM | Permalink |


  • At 1:27 PM, Blogger Arun Jose Francis

    hmm, good job... I feel like my self esteem got a boost reading this... Thanks buddy, and remember, I am always there for a company... :-)

  • At 10:55 PM, Blogger Bharath

    I heard bald men are perceivced to be more attractive....which makes your other current phobia (marriage...eeeeeks!!) quite easy.

    Ok, not the marriage, that was exaggerating it a bit. At least you can have a girl who falls for your "bald pate" look and still says "Cooool!"

  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger Hammy

    Well, Bharath, ol bud... you heard wrong. In any case, I have no interest in women who take interest in bald men. No offense to women with bad taste, but bald ain't the beautiful.

    BTW, Bharath, you've been a good friend. And we've had fun times together. But if you bring up the topic of my marriage one more time, I'm going to stick the pointy end of a rusted fork in your left eyeball.

    Again, no offense meant to women with bad taste.

  • At 2:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    rofl, well can't help laughing at this post. let there be more comments. :-D